PHP Misc.鍑芥暟鍒楄〃

__halt_compiler - Halts the compiler execution
connection_aborted - 妫鏌ュ鎴风鏄惁宸茬粡鏂紑
connection_status - 杩斿洖杩炴帴鐨勭姸鎬佷綅
connection_timeout - Check if the script timed out
constant - Returns the value of a constant
define - Defines a named constant
defined - Checks whether a given named constant exists
die - 绛夊悓浜 exit
eval - Evaluate a string as PHP code
exit - Output a message and terminate the current script
highlight_file - Syntax highlighting of a file
highlight_string - Syntax highlighting of a string
ignore_user_abort - Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution
pack - Pack data into binary string
php_check_syntax - Check the PHP syntax of (and execute) the specified file
php_strip_whitespace - Return source with stripped comments and whitespace
show_source - 鍒悕 highlight_file
sleep - Delay execution
sys_getloadavg - Gets system load average
time_nanosleep - Delay for a number of seconds and nanoseconds
time_sleep_until - Make the script sleep until the specified time
uniqid - Generate a unique ID
unpack - Unpack data from binary string
usleep - Delay execution in microseconds

浠ヤ笂灏辨槸PHP Misc.鍑芥暟鍒楄〃鐨勮缁嗗唴瀹癸紝鏇村淇℃伅璇峰叧娉∣D浜戝叾瀹冪浉鍏虫枃绔狅紒
